Sunday, November 27, 2005

Paper, Film, etc. on Sale!

Running out of paper or film? Here's your chance to restock at discounted prices. The MPA will be selling paper (price depends on quantity), film (400 & 100 for $4 each), sleeves ($1) and memberships ($30) on Wednesday, November 30th in MUSC 302 from 2:30-3:30pm.

**New date added!!
We will also be selling products on Thursday, December 1st in MUSC 224 from 2:30 -3:30.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Want somewhere to show your art?

The Loose Canon Gallery (150 James St. N.) is looking for submissions for their 1st Annual Winter Salon. As appears on their website (

"The show will be curated by Jessica Vellenga and open on December 2nd. The general aim is to get a widely deiverse selection of Hamilton area artists as possible. The work should be no larger than 3'x3' and should be ready to hang. The show will last until the end of January, so it will be great exposure for anyone involved. Send jpeg or gif submissions to"

Submissions are due November 25th for anyone interested.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Lost Vest?

A black vest was found at our last meeting, if this is yours, let us know at


In case you haven't signed up yet, workshops will be offered at the times listed below. Feel free to drop by at any of the workshops, but keep in mind that a maximum of 7 people will be taken at a time for any one workshop. Priority will also be given to the people who have already signed up at the meeting.

All workshops meet at the darkroom, room B115 in the basement of Wentworth House.

Film Workshops:
Sat. Nov. 5 @ 12:30pm
Thurs. Nov. 10 @ 1:30pm
Mon. Nov. 14 @ 2:30pm
Sat. Nov. 19 @ 12:30pm
Fri. Nov. 25 @ 1:30pm
Wed. Nov. 30 @ 11:30am

Paper Workshops:
Thurs. Nov. 3 @ 4:30pm
Mon. Nov. 7 @ 11:30am
Fri. Nov. 11 @ 1:30pm
Thurs. Nov. 17 @ 10:30am
Fri. Nov. 18 @ 11:30am
Wed. Nov. 23 @ 11:30am
Mon. Nov. 28 @ 2:30pm


Hi Everyone!

Welcome to our temporary website which we will be using to communicate with you all about MPA events and news.

Any comments or questions? Email us at