Saturday, September 30, 2006

MPA's First Field Trip - Photos

Thanks to all who came out for the trip to Princess Point - there was a great turnout!

Some photographers have posted their pictures online:
Photos by Kevin Chan

If you were on the trip and would like your photos added to the list, email Kevin at .

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Memberships, film and paper sale.

Memberships, Paper, film and negative sleeves for sale

Tuesday October 3 from 10:30 - 12:30.

Come find us in the Darkroom - located in Wentworth house B115.

MPA's First Field Trip

Hello photographers!

The MPA will be having our first field trip to Princess Point on Saturday, September 30th. Everyone interested should meet at the McMaster Museum of Art at 11am.

Hope to see you there!
MPA Exec

Photo Contest!!

Duncan and Wright and Latow Photographers' Guild are having a contest entitled "One Day in the Life of Burlington" if you are interested in entering, or want more details about the contest, you can visit the websites below:

Take a look at last year's winners here:

Thursday, September 07, 2006

First General Meeting

Hello McMaster Photographers!!

We will be holding our first general meeting Wednesday September 20th at Wentworth House B/115. The meeting will start at 5pm and a second meeting will start at 6pm for those who can't make it to the earlier time! Memberships, film, paper and negative sleeves will be sold so BRING YOUR MONEY!!!

Hope to see you all there!

MPA Exec.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Hey guys!

Remember to check us out at Clubsfest on Wednesday, September 6th, 2006!

See you there!
MPA Exec