Sunday, October 29, 2006

Workshop Times

Workshops are $5 to the public, but free to film and digital members! All are welcome!

Film (meet at the darkroom)
Monday, November 20th @ 11am with Tara

Paper (meet at the darkroom)
Friday, November 17th @ 9:30am with Chaya

Filters (meet at darkroom)
Tuesday, November 21st @ 2:30pm with Nik

* Darkroom is Wentworth House B115
*Instructors will stand by at workshops for 5 minutes, but if no one shows up, the instructor may leave.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October Field Trip

Hey MPA!

On Saturday, October 28th, we're going to be going to York Boulevard via HSR to take some photos at a cemetery and of Dundurn castle. This trip is FREE (as long as you have a bus pass) and open to everyone! If you guys are interested, please meet outside the McMaster Museum of Art at 11am.

MPA Exec

Memberships, paper, film and negative sleeves will be available for purchase at this time.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Get your work published!

McMaster's art magazine Between the Lines wants to publish your work! If you have any photos, regardless of the subject matter, send it to or drop if off at their office located in Wentworth House B/118. Make sure to include your name and contact information.
Between the Lines prints four times a year and are looking for photos for each issue so feel free to send as many photos as you like!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

MPA Table & Membership & Supplies Sale!

Hey Guys!

We're going to have a table in the MUSC atrium on Friday October 20th from 10-5 so feel free to stop by and let us know how your photography has been going! We would love to hear any suggestions that you may have for the MPA.

Also, we will have memberships, as well as paper, film and negative sleeves for sale so bring your money if you're interested!

MPA Exec

Cameras for Sale

Hey Everyone!

There is a Mac student who is selling some cameras:

Package 1:
Canon EOS Elan II 35 mm SLR
Including two lenses and all the manuals
Lens 1: 28-80 mm lens (f/3.5-5.6)
Lens 2: 75-300 mm (f/4-5.6)

Asking Price: $390

Package 2:
Pentax MZ-50 35 mm SLR
Including Sigma lens 28-200 (f/3.5-5.6)
Including all manuals

Asking Price: $220

Both cameras were bought in 1998 new and work perfectly well (one owner only). They have been great companions and performed well.

If you are interested, please contact Santiago at the phone numbers or email listed below.

Phone: 905-525-9140 Ext. 27322
Home Phone: 905-523-8519

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Night Photography Workshop

Hey MPA,

We'll be meeting on Thursday October 19th in the student center by the fireplace at 9:00pm to do some night photography around campus.

For those of you who just got your hands on a digital camera, this is a good opportunity to practice working with the manual shooting modes (and see how much fun they are) while someone is around to answer any questions that arise.

Don't forget your tripod, (and gloves!)

MPA Exec

*Although this is a workshop as we will have some members on hand to answer questions, everyone is welcome to attend, free of charge!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

MPA Movie Night!

Hey Everyone!

On Wednesday October 11th, we will be showing the film "Born into Brothels" at 6:30pm in ITB AB/102. If you would like more information about the film, please visit

Hope to see you there!
MPA Exec

Monday, October 02, 2006


A Member of the McMaster Community is looking for a photographer!
A Student Band is Playing at Quarters on Wednesday October 4th from 10:15 -10:45.
If you are interested in helping them out, please email us so that we can inform the band that we will be sending someone to their event!

MPA exec