Friday, November 24, 2006

Photoshop & How to Buy SLR Workshop

Hey MPA!

We're going to be running another Photoshop workshop (topic TBA, but will probably have to do with lighting), followed by a how to buy SLR workshop, just in time for the holidays:

Wednesday, November 29th 6:30pm (Photoshop) & 7:30pm (SLR) both in MUSC 224.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

MPA Escarpment Trip and SOCIAL!!!

On Thursday, November 23rd we're going to be having a fun-filled MPA night!

It's going to start off with a night photography trip to the Hamilton escarpment via HSR (meet at 6:30pm outside the McMaster Museum of Art), and then on to the Phoenix at 9pm for an MPA social. All are welcome to attend both events.

Hope to see you all at some point in the night! :)
MPA Exec

Sunday, November 12, 2006


We've finally set a date for the End of the Year Gallery

Date: March 21!!
Location: Student Centre Marketplace

Now's the time to start thinking about photos you might want to submit. Photos can be B&W, colour or digital and preferably 8x10.

For those of you who have come out to the trips, there is going to be a section specifically for trip photos.

March 21 is also Stop Racism Day, so if anyone has any photos that are relevant to this cause feel free to submit and we will post them.

Submissions will begin in second semester closer to the date of the gallery.
All pictures will be returned to owners.

So everyone get out those cameras and start shooting!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Darkroom Access

Everyone that has purchased a film membership as of October 28th, 2006 should now be able to access the darkroom.

How to gain acess:
Go to the second floor of the security office by Mary Keyes. Hand them your student card, and they will give you a key in exchange. There is no time restriction on how long you can keep the key (as long as you don't need your student card), but since there are only two keys available, please be considerate of others and only keep the key for as long as you really need it. The security office is open 24/7, so feel free to do your photography whenever you like!

- There is a sign-in book in the darkroom, please sign-in and tell us what you've been up to in the darkroom and what chemicals may need to be replaced. Our darkroom managers clean and restock weekly.
-Please take note of the workshop times that are listed on the website. These workshops have priority for darkroom use.
- Put up the "darkroom in use" sign while you're in so that no one walks in while you're developing. Similarly, knock before entering, just to make sure!

Additional membership and film/paper sale times will be posted soon!