Sunday, April 01, 2007

Mona's Goodbye Message & MPA's Last Event of the Year!


Thanks to everyone who made this year so much fun and such a great success! I had a great time going with you guys on the trips, testing out ideas at the workshops, and finally showing off all your fabulous work at our gallery - Art Exposed 2007!

I hope that you all continue doing what we all love, taking photos, each in your own style. I also hope you can join us for our last event of the year, an MPA social at the Phoenix on Thursday, April 12th from 10pm onwards. It's during exam time, but definitely stop by for a study break! Last year's exec member, Emma Timmons, will be joining us from Ireland. I'm graduating this year so it'll also be nice to say goodbye to you all in person, and wish the best for our graduating exec team and general members. The social will also give us an opportunity to welcome in the MPA president for next year, Olivia Caron.

Thanks again for everything MPA! I'm definitely going to miss you!

Mona Poon
MPA President '06-'07