Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Website Changes

We will now be posting only on our other blog at

Up until now we have been making identical posting to this and the other website, but now just refer to
for the latest club news and info.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First General Meeting

Hello everyone!

Our first general meeting of the term is being held this Monday, Spetember 15 in Wentworth House B115 (the darkroom). The meeting will begin at 5:30, and then run again at 6:30 for those of you who have class at 5:30.

Come to the meeting to hear details about darkroom membership, workshops, field trips, the MPA gallery, and more.

Along with darkroom memberships, we will also be selling film and paper.

See you there!

- MPA Exec.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Clubsfest!! Wednesday, September 3rd!

Hello everyone!!

Please come and visit us at Clubsfest this coming Wednesday, September 3rd.

Clubfest is a great opportunity to find out more about the photo club as well as sign up for membership.

See you there!

MPA Exec.