Thursday, November 03, 2005

Want somewhere to show your art?

The Loose Canon Gallery (150 James St. N.) is looking for submissions for their 1st Annual Winter Salon. As appears on their website (

"The show will be curated by Jessica Vellenga and open on December 2nd. The general aim is to get a widely deiverse selection of Hamilton area artists as possible. The work should be no larger than 3'x3' and should be ready to hang. The show will last until the end of January, so it will be great exposure for anyone involved. Send jpeg or gif submissions to"

Submissions are due November 25th for anyone interested.

1 comment:

McMaster Photography Association said...

For Jeff & any others who are interested, please email for questions regarding the exhibit.

The MPA is just passing information along about this particular gallery, we are not directly involved with its planning. However, we are in the process of planning a final gallery for MPA members to exhibit their work at the end of the school year, so keep an eye out for that!