Monday, January 30, 2006

Tiffany Falls Trip

Thanks to everyone who came out on the Tiffany Falls trip! It was a beautiful day and a great day for the falls! If anyone else has pictures they'd like to send in from that day, please send the files, or preferably, a link to a webpage to The gorgeous picture seen here is courtesy of Kevin Chan.

Although there were some minor setbacks on our first field trip, we're definitely looking into planning more, so if you have any ideas of places you'd like to take pictures, send the suggestions our way!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Meet & Greet

Fun was had by all at Thursday's MPA Meet and Greet.
A few drinks + LOTS of food + good conversation = good times!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Important Notice

To the members of the MPA,

As a result of recent events, there have been some problems in the darkroom due to misuse. This unfortunately affected the MPA table in the student centre on Friday that some of you were expecting. These issues have also caused the darkroom to be shut down the past couple of days, but it will reopen on Tuesday (24th). We sincerely and wholeheartedly apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. These were unforeseen circumstances that have occurred and we have been trying to rectify them over the weekend.

In spite of these recent events, the Meet and Greet scheduled for Thursday the 26th at 7pm at the Phoenix, as well as the waterfall trip for Saturday the 28th (meet at 10:30am in the student centre) will go ahead as planned. For any of you that wanted to purchase a membership on Friday, please come to the Meet and Greet in the Phoenix on Thursday. We will be providing free food to any members that are attending and we look forward to meeting with you all!

Hope to see you all there,

MPA Exec

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

January Workshops

The workshops for January are listed below, and with the exception of the digital workshop, are for MPA paid members only. The reason for this is because the workshop material fees are included in the membership fees, which would not be fair for paying members. Sorry for any inconvenience. If you would like to become a member, the fee for the term is $20. Please come out to our general meeting on the 16th or stop by our table in the student centre on the 20th to purchase a membership!

These workshops are all intro workshops, so you only have to go to one of each type. More advanced workshops will be offered next month.

Digital - all are welcome!
Friday, January 20th @ 3:30pm in MUSC 311

Film - paid MPA members only; meet in the darkroom
11th, 18th & 25th @ 9:30am
16th & 30th @ 12pm
11th @ 11am

Paper - paid MPA members only; meet in the darkroom
11th, 18th & 25th @ 4:30pm
19th, 25th & 26th @ 5:30pm

* The darkroom is located in the basement of Wentworth House, room B115.

January Events!

Hey guys, we've got some great events going on this month, so come by to check them out:

General Member Meetings
Old and new members welcome!
Tuesday, January 10th, MUSC 311 @ 5pm
Monday, January 16th, MUSC 311 @5:30pm

Meet & Greet Night @ the Phoenix
Thursday, January 26th @ 7pm

Tiffany Waterfall Trip
Saturday, January 28th @ 10:30am
Meet at the fireplace in the Student Centre, where we will take the bus together.