Sunday, January 22, 2006

Important Notice

To the members of the MPA,

As a result of recent events, there have been some problems in the darkroom due to misuse. This unfortunately affected the MPA table in the student centre on Friday that some of you were expecting. These issues have also caused the darkroom to be shut down the past couple of days, but it will reopen on Tuesday (24th). We sincerely and wholeheartedly apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. These were unforeseen circumstances that have occurred and we have been trying to rectify them over the weekend.

In spite of these recent events, the Meet and Greet scheduled for Thursday the 26th at 7pm at the Phoenix, as well as the waterfall trip for Saturday the 28th (meet at 10:30am in the student centre) will go ahead as planned. For any of you that wanted to purchase a membership on Friday, please come to the Meet and Greet in the Phoenix on Thursday. We will be providing free food to any members that are attending and we look forward to meeting with you all!

Hope to see you all there,

MPA Exec

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