Wednesday, January 11, 2006

January Workshops

The workshops for January are listed below, and with the exception of the digital workshop, are for MPA paid members only. The reason for this is because the workshop material fees are included in the membership fees, which would not be fair for paying members. Sorry for any inconvenience. If you would like to become a member, the fee for the term is $20. Please come out to our general meeting on the 16th or stop by our table in the student centre on the 20th to purchase a membership!

These workshops are all intro workshops, so you only have to go to one of each type. More advanced workshops will be offered next month.

Digital - all are welcome!
Friday, January 20th @ 3:30pm in MUSC 311

Film - paid MPA members only; meet in the darkroom
11th, 18th & 25th @ 9:30am
16th & 30th @ 12pm
11th @ 11am

Paper - paid MPA members only; meet in the darkroom
11th, 18th & 25th @ 4:30pm
19th, 25th & 26th @ 5:30pm

* The darkroom is located in the basement of Wentworth House, room B115.

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